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- Written by: Andrew S
- Category: Results / Events 2011
- Hits: 5601
Eightball Tasmania will run selection trials for the 2012 Tasmanian Junior Team to compete at the Australian Junior 8Ball Championships to be played in the ACT from January 15th - 21st - 2012
The following age groups will compete on the dates below and venues
Under 12 and Under 15: 27th and 28th August at the Hobart Workers Club
Under 18: 10th and 11th September at the Launceston Workers Club
All entries or further information is to go through Cyril Triffitt - 0407 870 306 or- Details
- Written by: Andrew S
- Category: Results / Events 2011
- Hits: 5833
The Tasmanian Team for the 2011 is now finalised with the Open, Women and Masters Events now all completed, the following players / teams will represent Tasmania at the Australian 8Ball National Titles in Sydney from October 16th - 28th
- Marcus Jackson (Capt), Justin Van Diepen (V/Capt), Anthony Adams, Trent Brooks, Andrew Saltmarsh, Andrew Triffitt, Chris Forsyth, Joel Smith, Cale Barrett, Johnny Lennard (Team Manager: Phil Dando / Assistant Team Manager: Sam Thurgood)
- Fiona Plummer (Capt), Tracey Baylis (V/Capt), Denise Millington, Jane Nichols, Dencil McGifford, Janelle Walton, Mandy Snare (Team Manager: Kris Cherry. / Assistant Team Manager: Sam Thurgood)
- Chris Snare (Capt), Bruce Lockley (V/Capt), Rodney Martin, Tony Adams
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- Written by: Andrew S
- Category: Results / Events 2011
- Hits: 6119
15 Women competed for the 2011 State Women's Team to play at the Australian 8Ball Titles in Campbelltown, NSW from October 17th - 28th
Played at the LWC on Saturday July 30th, the women played a full round robin 2 times with the top 7 making up the team
The team is as folows: Fiona Plummer, Tracey Baylis, Denise Millington, Jane Nichols, Dencil McGifford, Janelle Walton, Mandy Snare
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- Written by: Andrew S
- Category: Results / Events 2011
- Hits: 4999
State Team Manager Positions 2011 - 2012
Eightball Tasmania are calling for expressions of interest for the positions of Open Team Manager and Women's Team Manager for 2011 and 2012 (2 year term)
The role of the team manager will be to assist Eightball Tasmania in the collection of monies, players uniforms, code of conducts signed and returned to Eightball Tasmania prior to the team leaving to compete at the Australian 8Ball Championships each year
Duties of the team manger while competing at Australian 8Ball Championships
- To the best of their ability have players be punctual for all team meetings as called for by the team captain and / or team manager at the Australian 8Ball Championships
- To the best of their ability have players be punctual for all team practice sessions as called for by the team captain and / or team manager at the Australian 8Ball Championships
- To make sure players know the time of their next team match (players will be resposiable for the times of their own singles matches)
- To the best of their ability have players be punctual for all team matches at the Australian 8Ball Championships
- Confer with the team captain and vice captain on the selection of the team and playing order at the Australian 8Ball Championships
- To finalise numbers / tickets and any monies required for their particular team (including players partners who may be present) for the Australian 8Ball Presentation Dinner and have back to the Host State by the due date required
- To the best of their ability make sure players present themselves to any official requirments that they may be called to attend to by the Australian Eight-Ball Federation (Captains / Team Managers Meetings, Drug Testing, Sponsors requirements etc)
- To the best of their ability keep team harmony within the team and try and resolve any iussues that may occur, either directly with the player/s involved / team captain and / or vice captain or members of the Eightball Tasmania Committee that may be present at the Championships
- Be willing to reccommend displinary action to the captain and / or vice captain on players who may break curfew times / bring Eightball Tasmania or the game of eightball in to disrupute while attending the Australian 8Ball Championships (The final decsion on any displinary action will be up to the team manger and in the most serious of cases this may be sending the player/s involved home)
Duties of the team manager at the conclusion of the Australian 8Ball Championships
- Submit a report to Eightball Tasmania within 21 days of the completion of the Australian 8Ball Championships, the report should contain but not limited to the following areas
- Travel Arrangments
- Accommodation
- Uniform and Dress standard of players
- Players punctality for team matches, team practice session and other official duties called for by team manager and / or captain
- Players conduct on and off the table
- Any breaches of curfews that may have been in place and any reccommendations for displinary action
- Any breaches by players / players partners of bring Eightball Tasmania or the game of Eightball in to disrpute while at the Championships
- Any reccommendations to Eightball Tasmania for the following year that may assist / improve us as a body
Expressions of interest close on Friday July 15th with Eightball Tasmania
Eightball Tasmania
PO Box 275
Prospect, TAS 7250
or email to
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- Written by: Andrew S
- Category: Results / Events 2011
- Hits: 6568
State Masters 2011
Wayne Elliott is the 2011 State Masters Champion, played at the Hobart Workers Club on Saturday July 9th, Elliott came through the 1st semi fianl and preliminary final to play Launceston based player Rodney Martin in the final
The top 4 players from the event will now have the opportunity to represent Tasmania at the Australian 8Ball Championships in Sydney from October 17th - 28th
- Wayne Elliott
- Rodney Martin
- Tony Adams
- Chris Snare
Full results from the weekend can be found by clciking the attachment below
Eightball Tasmania would also like to thank the Hobart Workers Club, Tony Cannan (main organiser) and Phil Dando for their help in running this event
Original Event Info:
- Details
- Written by: Andrew S
- Category: Results / Events 2011
- Hits: 7295
Tasmanian Open Team Complete 2011
Justin Van Diepen made a great return to State 8ball qaulifying in the number 1 position with 32 wins and 14 loses, played at the Launceston Workers Club on July 16th and 17th the field of 24 players were competing for 9 positions to make up the team to compete at the Australian championships in Sydney in October, the weekend saw some new and old faces make the team and no doubt the team will have some hard work to put in before October to enable themselves the best chance of victory at the national championships. The final team is Anthony Adams (State Singles Winner), Justin Van Dipen, Marcus Jackson, Trent Brooks, Andrew Saltmarsh, Andrew Triffitt, Dallas Nichols, Chris Forsyth, Joel Smith, Cale Barrett
To view the final order of the 24 click the attachment below or click here
State Open Team Qualifyers 2011 - State Team Selection
The final round for the 2011 State Open Team will be played at the LWC on June 16th and 17th, the final round has been moved forward by 2 weeks from our normal date of the last weeknd in July to enable the open team time to organise practice matches throughout the State as put forward by last years team captain (Jeremy McGuire), it will now be interesting if these practice sessions take place - lets hope so and try and unite a strong open team for an assult on the 2011 National title
To view the draw for the final round, click the link on the attachment below
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- Written by: Andrew S
- Category: Results / Events 2011
- Hits: 4987
This year Eightball Tasmania are holding a Teams Event aimed at associations entering B Grade Teams (No A Grade Players)
The event is open to all member associations of Eightball Tasmania and only 5 players are required per team, with no limit on the amount of players in a team
We have the event down to be played over the June long-weekend June 11, 12 and 13 at the Launceston Workers Club (Please Note the Monday may not be used depending on the amount of teams entered, to be confirmed once teams are finalised)
Please view the flyer attached for more information or
Associations can enter their team online by clicking this link -- B Grade Teams Event Entry
- Details
- Written by: Andrew S
- Category: Results / Events 2011
- Hits: 9236
The 2011 State 8Ball Singles Title was played at the LWC on Saturday 30th April, with 28 players taking part from the South, North and North-West of the State
The 28 players were placed into 4 groups of 6 with 16 players seeded and the remainder of the field randomly drawn into the 4 groups
Anthony Adams as last years runner up was seded 1 as Gregg Watt the 2010 Singles Champion did not compete this year event, followed by last years State side and then Andrew Triffitt, Andrew Holloway, Marcus Watt and Marc Bingham from the Northern Territory making up seeds 13 - 16
After the round robin stages of the groups we were left with 16 players and below are the results from those matches - Click here to view Round Robin Results
Videos of the Final and Pictures are on our Facebook page - http://www.facebook.com/8BallTas
Last 16 (7) | Quarters (9) | Semi (9) | Final (11) | |||||
1A | Andrew Clark |
4 | ||||||
4D | Tony Adams |
3 |
A.Clark |
3 |
M.Jackson |
5 | |||||||
2C | Marcus Jackson |
4 |
3B | Troy Rudling |
2 |
M.Jackson |
5 | ||||
![]() |
M.Jackson |
3 | ||||||
1B | Ricky Lee |
4 |
R.Lee |
5 | ||||
4C | Andrew Saltmarsh |
0 | ||||||
R.Lee |
4 |
2D | Jeremy McGuire |
4 | J.McGuire |
4 |
3A | Rodney Kaine |
1 | ||||||
1C | Chris Forsyth |
4 | C.Forsyth |
5 | ||||
4B | Blair Kirkcaldy |
1 |
C.Forsyth |
1 |
2A | David Lee |
4 | D.Lee |
3 | ||||
3D | Johnny Lennard |
2 | ||||||
![]() |
A.Adams | 6 | ||||||
1D | Cale Barrett |
0 | A.Adams | 5 | ||||
4A | Anthony Adams |
4 | ||||||
A.Adams | 5 | |||||||
2B | Andrew Triffit |
0 | S.Kaine | 1 | ||||
3C | Steve Kaine |
4 |
Original Event Info
- Details
- Written by: Andrew S
- Category: Results / Events 2011
- Hits: 10747
State Calcutta 2011 - 9th April - Results
Congratulations to David Lee on winning the 2011 State Calcutta by defeating his brother Ricky Lee in the final 5-4, special mention to Ricky who beat current World 8Ball Champion Michael Hill from the UK, who is currently touring the State with some exhibition shows, Ricky defeated Mick twice in the double elimination format, a great effort
In all 27 people played in the event which was our highest number of entries in recent years and those present were treated to some high quality games, not only by Mick Hill but also the Lee boys (Some video footage will be uploaded to the Eightball Tasmania Facebook page) - http://www.facebook.com/8BallTas
Thanks to all players who particiapted, John Saggers and the Launceston Workers Club and thanks to Michael Hill who was presented with a small plaque from Eightball Tasmania, Northern Eightball Tasmania and Southern Eightball Tasmania on his visit to Tasmania
Next Event: 2011 State Open Singles - Saturday April 30th at the LWC starting at 9.30am - Enter this Event Online
Original Information for the Event
- Details
- Written by: Andrew S
- Category: Results / Events 2011
- Hits: 4888
The 2011 8Ball Tasmania Calender has been finalised at the AGM held on Sunday February 6th 2011
Please find attached below the Calender for 8Ball Tasmania for 2011 and a copy of the Tasmanian Billiards & Snooker Calender
Note: Eightball Tasmanian and the Tasmanian Snooker body have been working together for many years is setting a State Calender that enable players to play in both disciplines if they wish