State Team Manager Positions 2011 - 2012
Eightball Tasmania are calling for expressions of interest for the positions of Open Team Manager and Women's Team Manager for 2011 and 2012 (2 year term)
The role of the team manager will be to assist Eightball Tasmania in the collection of monies, players uniforms, code of conducts signed and returned to Eightball Tasmania prior to the team leaving to compete at the Australian 8Ball Championships each year
Duties of the team manger while competing at Australian 8Ball Championships
- To the best of their ability have players be punctual for all team meetings as called for by the team captain and / or team manager at the Australian 8Ball Championships
- To the best of their ability have players be punctual for all team practice sessions as called for by the team captain and / or team manager at the Australian 8Ball Championships
- To make sure players know the time of their next team match (players will be resposiable for the times of their own singles matches)
- To the best of their ability have players be punctual for all team matches at the Australian 8Ball Championships
- Confer with the team captain and vice captain on the selection of the team and playing order at the Australian 8Ball Championships
- To finalise numbers / tickets and any monies required for their particular team (including players partners who may be present) for the Australian 8Ball Presentation Dinner and have back to the Host State by the due date required
- To the best of their ability make sure players present themselves to any official requirments that they may be called to attend to by the Australian Eight-Ball Federation (Captains / Team Managers Meetings, Drug Testing, Sponsors requirements etc)
- To the best of their ability keep team harmony within the team and try and resolve any iussues that may occur, either directly with the player/s involved / team captain and / or vice captain or members of the Eightball Tasmania Committee that may be present at the Championships
- Be willing to reccommend displinary action to the captain and / or vice captain on players who may break curfew times / bring Eightball Tasmania or the game of eightball in to disrupute while attending the Australian 8Ball Championships (The final decsion on any displinary action will be up to the team manger and in the most serious of cases this may be sending the player/s involved home)
Duties of the team manager at the conclusion of the Australian 8Ball Championships
- Submit a report to Eightball Tasmania within 21 days of the completion of the Australian 8Ball Championships, the report should contain but not limited to the following areas
- Travel Arrangments
- Accommodation
- Uniform and Dress standard of players
- Players punctality for team matches, team practice session and other official duties called for by team manager and / or captain
- Players conduct on and off the table
- Any breaches of curfews that may have been in place and any reccommendations for displinary action
- Any breaches by players / players partners of bring Eightball Tasmania or the game of Eightball in to disrpute while at the Championships
- Any reccommendations to Eightball Tasmania for the following year that may assist / improve us as a body
Expressions of interest close on Friday July 15th with Eightball Tasmania
Eightball Tasmania
PO Box 275
Prospect, TAS 7250
or email to